Note: the reality of my likes/dislikes is a more nuanced, as it depends a lot on the people involved. For example, I work with companies that don’t seem to fit with my “expectations” but I know they are doing their best and I truly consider qualities of the involved people. In these cases, I invest less time and passion in order to be useful and constructive for them and I try to sow seeds.

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I admire organizations that :

I admire them because I still have a lot to learn on these points.


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I like organizations that :

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I am suspicious about human-centered / virtuous / desirable / eco-responsible organizations.

Over the past 8 years, I've been lucky enough to join networks and meet managers and leaders in organizations. It took me some time to discover that the people who claim to be the most virtuous are often those who behave in the most conformist ways. Conversely, I became more curious about silent people.

"We pretend to be what we're not."

It's still necessary to communicate your values. In my opinion, it's all about consistency and a little humility.
