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Download this resume:

RESUME - RAVERAT Guillaume - Product manager.pdf


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Voir la version française



<aside> πŸ‘‹ In my projects, I integrated design thinking, UX and iterative development approaches early on. I'm perceived as an empathetic person. I'm used to collaborate with various business and culture, making sure we are aligned. I thrive in stimulating contexts that force me to to get out of my comfort zone, learn new things (uses, methods, techniques, management) and deliver better products.

Making things together motivates me. Work organization is a precious subject for me (remote working, asynchronous working, collective intelligence).

For some years now, I've been looking to get involved in projects that challenge the status quo or contribute to the common good. I see software as a way of making the world more altruistic, free and frugal.


πŸ‘£ Experience

To open/close an experiment in detail, click on β–Ά at the left of each title


Dr. Remote






πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“ Education



☎ Contact me

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[email protected]


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<aside> <img src="/icons/phone-call_gray.svg" alt="/icons/phone-call_gray.svg" width="40px" />

+336 79 68 28 01


<aside> <img src="/icons/map-pin-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/map-pin-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" />

Toulouse, France



🧒 Roles

I naturally play these roles in the teams


🎭 Personality

I live with this package of values


Enneagram: type 6 (Loyal)

Personality type: INFJ

πŸ› Culture

Here are some organizational principles that work best for me


I like / I dislike